Technological Advancements in Concrete Cutting

Do you know concrete cutting was necessary for backbreaking work in the early 1900s? Concrete saws were not available at that time. Cutters had to use basic tools like hammers and chisels to break concrete in those old days. Things were tough, tedious, and lengthy. Construction workers used to spend days and even weeks for Concrete Cutting in Campbelltown . However, the advanced concrete cutting technology has now changed completely. At present, you can cut concrete professionally and precisely within a few minutes with the help of power tools such as concrete saws. Advancements in Dry Cutting Wet cutting was the only used method to break concrete for the last many decades. It was preferred because it can keep the blades cool when they get hot during the process. Wet cutting also facilitated to control of the concrete dust to spread around. Initially, when dry cutting machines were evolved, the blades of the tool tore in about ten minutes because of intense temperatures produced during...