4 Hand Saw Maintenance Practices

Hand sawing isn’t an operation to be taken lightly. The use of hand saws ─ regardless of the reason they are being used an by whom ─ is something to be done carefully if one is to be safe and if fingers and toes are to remain attached to their owners.

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Hand Sawing
No matter how careful one is, however, the safety of the hand saw operator ─ and others around for that matter ─ is greatly dependent on the current state of the hand saw in use. A well-maintained hand saw is less likely to cause injury if used properly that a bad one. This is one very good reason to maintain your hand saw.

Another is so the hand saw lasts longer.

To extend the lifespan of a handsaw (old or new) and keep it safe for use, a few maintenance practices (guides) can be observed. These hand sawing practices work well for a new hand saw or an old one.

1.    Always store your hand saw in a place with no moisture

What causes rust is exposure to moisture and air. To protect your handsaw blade from rust, ensure to store it in a place free of moisture. Taking further protective measures, you could put moisture-absorbing materials like charcoal or silica gel in your storage box alongside your handsaw. Also, ensure your storage box is kept far from places it would likely get wet at.

2.    Take care of your handle (Oil it)

A dry wooden handle breaks off easier. Rub in oil (boiled linseed oil works well). Observe the point where the wood is joined to the blade. If it’s rusty or dirty, loosen it and wipe it clean -you could also scrape off rusty areas with a knife or sandpaper, if needed and wipe clean.

3.    For Blade Rust

Use sandpaper and a little mineral spirit to get rid of blade rust. Blade rust can also be taken care of with a knife as mentioned above. Wipe off debris with a rag or appropriate cloth and finish off by waxing the blade using the same method for the wooden handle.

4.    Make sure your Blade stays lubricated with oil or wax

Wax or oil will help keep moisture away. Lubricate your blade after each use for maximum moisture protection.

Don’t forget to protect your hands while cleaning your hand saw. Some of the maintenance equipment like ‘mineral spirit’ might be harmful to you if you’re exposed directly to them. Remember one of the reasons you are maintaining your saw is so you don’t get injured ─ no point getting injured in the process!


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